10 Ways to Share the Love with Your Bridesmaids

Your bridesmaids have your back on your big day (and all the days leading up to it, for that matter!). To help you show her…

Bridesmaid Dos and Don’ts

In the next 2 months I will be a bridesmaid 3 times in 3 cities on two coasts and in 2 countries. It must be…

Blooms of Friendship

My best friend Lindsay got married this weekend and while the entire day including ceremony and reception from start to finish was filled with unique…

Details and such

A few entries back, I talked about making jewelry and designing a “wish tree” for my friend’s wedding. Both super fun projects! That wedding is…

Bead it!

I think I’ve discovered a new hobby. A few months ago at a bridal shower (for the girl who married the firefighting salsa dancer –…

Bridesmaids unite

BM night kicked off with hair and makeup while munching on cookies and crackers and watching soap operas. At my age (late 20’s) summer plans…

The un-chosen one

Recently being named a bridesmaid, I feel compelled to dedicate some time to thinking about the role, and what the title entails. I’m a girl…