Get Ready To Be Impressed With These 9 Crazy Christmas Lights Displays

I wear my sunglasses at night so I can, so I can… view these crazy bright Christmas lights.

These outrageous displays are so wildly festive, you have no choice but to stare. Be forewarned though, it’s like a solar eclipse. You’ll want to look but do so with caution (i.e. – ray bans at the ready).


1) No Inch Left Behind

(image credit: Travel Guide of America)

Let this awe inspiring setup guide you in your very own Christmas light displays.


2) Faux Stained Glass

(image credit: Buzznet)

This crazy display masterfully creates a stunning stained glass illusion on the side of the house.


3) Santa Clause Is Coming To Town

(image credit: Popsicle Blog)

Points for creatively making Santa and his reindeers “fly”.


4) Christmas Candy Land

(image credit: diy network)

This home looks almost sweet enough to eat. (Don’t do it though).


5) Happy Hanukkah-Christmas-Kwanzaa!

(image credit: DigsDigs)

No matter your religion, you can still get in on the lights display fun.


6) Christmas Explosion

(image credit: Home Decorating Ideas)

Literally (figuratively for the grammar police)… Christmas seems to have exploded onto this house.


7) Little Shop of Horrible Electric Bills

(image credit: Woman’s Day)

This display was actually found on a store front. Can you imagine what their energy bill comes out to during the holiday season?


8) Cool and The Christmas Gang

(image credit: Woman’s Day)

This display seemingly features every single Christmas character. See if you can find your favorite!


9) Sexy Snowman

(image credit: MSN)

And the best for last… no Christmas light display is complete without a quintessential sexy snowman at the helm.
