Are you ready to make this birthday party a core memory? Pixar’s Inside Out has become a huge hit – and after seeing it for ourselves, we knew that the movie provided some great inspiration for a Joyful party! Something we especially love from the movie is the concept of memory orbs – glowing balls of memories you make each day that are color coordinated with the emotion of that memory.

(image credit: Disney)
So with a little inspiration from our Pixar friends, we decided to make our very own version of a memory orb. Keep reading to see how we brought our idea to life!
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Terrarium bowl (at whatever size you choose, we liked mini-sized)
- Mod podge
- Food coloring (yellow, blue, green, red, and purple of course)
- Spoon
- Scissors
- Memorable photo
- Tealight
The first thing you need to do is combine mod podge and food coloring in your bowl. For our size, we used about 2 tbsp of mod podge and 4 drops of food coloring. Take your spoon and mix it all around until you get your desired color.
Your next step is to slowly turn the bowl around until the mod podge has covered all of the surface. The trick to this is to keep turning, and watch out for the opening! You don’t want any spills.
Once all of the inside of your bowl is covered in color, flip it upside down on something you don’t mind getting dirty. Check on your bowl after a few hours to see if all the extra color has flowed out. When it has, flip your bowl right side up to let air get in and to start the drying process. Leave your bowl to dry overnight. It may look opaque at first, but by the next day your bowl will be translucent. It’s time to find a memory! Print a favorite memorable photo and cut around the edges so that it fits in your bowl.
Feel free to put in a picture of your own or a print out of the characters. We liked using some of Riley’s memories from the movie. Now place your tea light inside, light, and you’ve got your very own glowing memory orb!
The movie may get emotional, but we promise even with the presence of Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust, this will be one party where you feel nothing but Joy! Remember to have lots of pops of color and you’ll be all set for your Inside Out themed party.