Holiday Party Do’s and Dont’s

(image credit: GQ)

You’re probably attending or hosting a holiday party or two this month. Be it a family, neighborly, friendly, or corporate affair, do your best to have fun and to be on your best behavior.

DO prepare conversation topics. Take some time to brush up on current events before any holiday gathering. Having a plentiful amount of conversation topics are particularly helpful in an awkward conversation where you may want to quickly change the subject, or at a corporate holiday party where you’re avoiding talking about work.

DON’T dress inappropriately. If you’re unsure of the suggested attire, reach out to the host prior to the event. Otherwise, err on the side of safety. A dressy attire is always appropriate for a holiday party. Keep it classy, leave the provocative frock at home.

DO bring a gift for the host. They have probably gone to great lengths in throwing this soiree. Be sure to show your appreciation with a hostess gift and by thanking them for the invitation at the end of the night.

DON’T drink too much. A good rule of thumb is two drinks for the evening. This rule is particularly topical for any office holiday parties.

DO be a good date. If you brought a plus one to your office or friend’s party where they may not be familiar with the guests, be mindful of their experience throughout the night. Graciously introduce and mingle as necessary.

DON’T arrive late. Holiday parties are usually more formal and demand a more punctual arrival. Particularly with office parties, you want to show up on time as the VIPs tend to leave early.

Got anymore must DO or DON’T ideas? Let us know!

(image credit: Elks)
